After a series of mishaps and a long (all night) drive to Miami from Atlanta, we arrived on South beach just in time to see the sunrise and our ship come in from the eastern Caribbean. I shot the picture right then. What a sight!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Where in the ___ have you been?!?!?
After a series of mishaps and a long (all night) drive to Miami from Atlanta, we arrived on South beach just in time to see the sunrise and our ship come in from the eastern Caribbean. I shot the picture right then. What a sight!!
Posted by Jack's Handler at 3:51 PM 8 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
Monday night, Jack comes into the room dancing on his tippy toes and hurriedly tries to get my attention. Judging by the aroma surrounding him, one would think 'isn't it about 4 minutes too late to be indicating that you have to go #2?' He is adamant that he needs to go potty (I can tell by the hands he has placed over his bum and on top of his diaper while dancing).
So, I clean him up and he runs into the potty... where the following scene takes place:
And he claps and screams for his achievement. As he should. But, you might see what appears to be a raisin. You might look at this and think, "Self, I wonder why there is a raisin in that toddler potty". Wonder no longer.. it isn't a raisin.
Yay for pebble poo's!
Posted by Jack's Handler at 10:53 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Naughty Artiste!
My son Jack is obviously convinced that he can draw, and that he is GOOD. Why, just have a look-see at his newest creations, all done within the last 72 hours:
From back to front:
- the bathroom wall
- the patio door window
- the front room wall
- the kitchen table and chairs... twice
- and the little bugger licking frosting off his fingers
Posted by Jack's Handler at 6:10 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Girlie screaming
I thought I would play a little trick on my son who was terrorizing an itty-bitty spider. He didn't really escape, I just thought it would be funny to make Braxton scream a bit. He wasn't amused, but the scared look on his face was very amusing to me.
Posted by Jack's Handler at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Super Slacker
Well, I don't want to admit that I have had to put some things on the back burner, but I will. The blog is one of them. I suppose that if I were Phil, I would just find something to write about, and then back date it so I don't look like a slacker. :)
So as to not disappoint my frequent readers, I suppose I will update you on the 5 W's and 1 H of the past week.
What: New potty
When: a week ago
Where: home
Why: Time to get crackin' on potty training (Brax was done by 2, for all you nay-sayers!)
How: still figuring that out
We have had moderate success. On Friday night, we had our first #1!!! Yay!!!
Posted by Jack's Handler at 8:30 PM 3 comments